
I will figure it out

I will figure it out

Just a quick post today. I basically ate up my morning getting sucked into the www, black hole, web of webbyness.

It all started because I saw a FB friend post about how she is going to get credentialed in Austin, TX to be a teacher. She already has a master’s in computer science, so it’s a great plan. That got me thinking about teaching, as I had that aha moment the other day with my own experience of teaching. And wow, there are a lot of hoops to jump through in the state of California to get credentialed to teach. It seems like getting credentialed for one secondary school subject is the most direct approach. But I ended up finding a master’s program at SFSU in instructional technology. That to me, sounds fascinating. The only thing is, they haven’t really updated their webpage since 2010. That kind of rings alarm bells to me. However, I do have a connection who did her MBA in marketing there. I should tap her shoulder and find out if she knows anything about that program. Anyway, one thing led to another, and boom, my morning was gone. I didn’t even have my green juice this morning. Ended up eating lunch and showering, and now it’s time to head to the grocery store before picking up mini’s and doing the holiday tree. Wow.

One of the really cool things I watched was this video. What an awesome way to start the week. So even though I got sucked in to the black hole of a path to higher education today, I know one thing, I will figure it out.


Intention acted upon

You know how people tell you that you have to go beyond your comfort zone to grow? Well, last night I stretched myself a bit by going to a networking meeting with several other business owners in my town. But, the stretching part was that I volunteered to be the first presenter for this new networking group. It’s funny. I chose a subject that I’m actually quite comfortable talking about, because I’m really just a techno-geek at heart. It wasn’t stressful. It was super exciting. I had so much fun!

I prepared a slideshow in Keynote, and I think it turned out well. I tried to lay things out in easy to understand language. I pointed out tools that these other business owners could be utilizing in their business.

It felt amazing to be of value in the community. It felt natural, like I was supposed to be up there, teaching and helping others. Others told me I seemed so comfortable and that I really had a great presentation. It was empowering. It was my a-ha moment.

I need to find some way to incorporate teaching into my life and/or career.

I’m still basking in the glow of feeling full from giving something I now take for granted, to others.

Baby Steps…

I had my morning glorious juice again this morning. And am really loving the health benefits and feeling alive after I drink such body supportive nutrients.

I’ve been eating pretty healthy so far today. Not all raw as I had a lunch with a friend, and did eat some rice. But the rest was raw ahi tuna, seaweed, ginger, and onion. All good stuff. Tell me, could you resist this deliciousness?


Yeah, I do love fish. I’ll eat it sparingly, but I will eat it.


Change now

Change now.
Love now.
Live now.

From Crazy Sexy Diet by Kris Carr

I started reading this book last night. Honestly, I had been putting it off for a few days. Well, the holidays make life chaotic, and we tend to eat stuff that we normally wouldn’t. And the last thing I wanted to do was read about getting healthy. šŸ˜‰ But, I finally cracked open this book at bedtime last night, and I was so excited and inspired by this book. Kris writes with sheer enthusiasm! This is not another boring book about nutrition or health. This is a book by a real person, who was inspired by cancer to save her own life. She’s a normal person who is able to make this way of life appealing to anyone who wishes for something better.

My inspiration doesn’t come from cancer. My inspiration to get healthy comes from the desire for a better life. I’m truly tired of being tired. I am aching for more out of life. Sure, like most people, I can stand to lose a few pounds. Eating crappy doesn’t do much for your insides or your outsides. I am a mom, and often find it challenging to take care of myself before my kids. But, if I don’t, then nobody else will be there to take care of them… That reminds me of the whole premise of applying your own oxygen mask before assisting others…

Gearing up for greatness. Make it a great day!


I’m so excited about eating clean. I started my day with a big glass of water with lemon in it. Then I had a green smoothie. It’s a good way to start the day.

I know the next couple of days will be tempting. I’m no martyr. I will be eating things that aren’t the healthiest choices, like my mom’s stuffing. So good. And I’m making pies, pumpkin and triple berry with homemade crust. But this is tradition (that may be changed as healthy eating infiltrates my being).

Giving thanks should be part of our everyday rituals, not just something we do for 30 days in November each year, or just on Thanksgiving itself. Imagine a world where we were much more thankful and forgiving. It would truly be a happier place.

I have had some friends recently who either passed away from cancer, or are currently undergoing treatment. The one who lost her battle was an amazing, vivacious, energetic person. She lived each day to the fullest. And the other is having to undergo her first chemo treatment today. So much for normal holidays for their family. I wish them strength.

Grateful I am, for all that I have. Lucky I am, for all that I have.

I feel like I have so much to say, but only little bits are coming forth. Be present, by joyous, be thankful.

“Writing is a struggle against silence.”